Ashlyn Nazari

Ashlyn Nazari, senior, is extremely passionate about writing due to its inclusivity and the expressive ability it can provide. Ashlyn is very excited to be a part of the Humanities Academy and the involvement in the OLu community that has blossomed. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and is a sucker for iced coffee. Additionally, Ashlyn is an avid binge-watcher and some of her favorite shows include Criminal Minds, The Nanny, and The Golden Girls. Ashlyn’s favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray.

More of Ashyln Nazari’s Work:

On March 15, 2019, a white supremacist opened fire at two mosques in New Zealand, killing 50 people and injuring dozens more. Within a week, New Zealand banned all semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines, opened their Parliament with an Islamic prayer, and taught police about Islam in the very mosque where the tragedy took place. […]

In an address the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, William H. Rehnquist, gave in June 1993, he stated: “mandatory minimum sentences are perhaps a good example of the law of unintended consequences.” Less than a decade after it became law, both local and federal judges were beginning to see the unequal effects of the hastily written and signed bill […]

  Recently, society has become conditioned to associate judgment with negativity and with a feeling of self-superiority. Anyone who claims to adhere to the practice of “not judging anyone” is usually very proud of that belief. However, in reality, judgment does not exclusively take place […]

After Colin Kaepernick silently kneeled in protest during  he national anthem, there was no shortage of media coverage and individuals weighing in on the issue. One of them was President Trump, who was so personally offended by Kaepernick’s symbolic and peaceful protesting that he even called him […]

“So . . . are you a Democrat or a Republican?” A seemingly innocent question, but upon further investigation, it can reveal dastardly motives and have severe repercussions. Depending on the asker, you could be faced […]

Ah, yes. The F-word. Throughout the course of history, there have been serious misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding the concept of feminism and the men and women who label themselves as as feminists. In order to avoid further confusion, let’s start with an accurate definition of what feminism is. Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal and deserve the same rights, protections, and opportunities, both legally and socially. […]

Unfortunately, in the current political atmosphere, it is not uncommon to judge someone or something based on the media outlet it was broadcast from. As a market participant, media sources are struggling to keep up their ratings and to remain relevant in a divided nation. In order to do that, sources need to take a side that will appeal to the belief system of their viewers. […]